Home | RTI News | MCC-financed study finds Niger to be most groundwater-rich country in the Sahel region
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MCC-financed study finds Niger to be most groundwater-rich country in the Sahel region

In 2019, RTI Exploration, in partnership with the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, was contracted by the Millennium Challenge Account - Niger to map groundwater aquifers in Southern Niger (260,000km²).

Despite being one of the most vulnerable countries in the world affected by climate change and experiencing severe border conflicts, Niger has been found to possess abundant groundwater resources through the WATEX™ groundwater mapping program. This discovery positions Niger as one of the most prosperous countries in the Sahel region regarding groundwater, providing a solid foundation to support an ambitious agricultural program that can ensure long-term food and water security.

➤ Check out Millennium Challenge Corporation's article to discover more about the groundbreaking discoveries achieved through the WATEX™ Groundwater Mapping program.
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